The Truth about Hinduism


Following in Penguin’s footsteps, another Indian Publisher, Aleph Book Company has pulled Wendy Doniger’s On Hinduism. This six hundred and eighty page collection of essays is a serious effort to confuse, distort and disparage the world view of Hindus. Doniger takes bits and pieces of tradition, custom, legend, and philosophy and mismatches them to create a grotesque portrayal that is untrue. She falsely asserts that Hindus are both polytheistic and monotheistic. In fact, Hindus believe in a single God, with many forms. God is separate from gods, demons, or legendary heroes.


In contrast, my work, Irina Gajjar’s On Hinduism, is an accurate and concise one hundred and eighty page book that depicts and explains Hindu belief, philosophy, scripture, legend, and custom in historical context as well as in the context of the twenty first century.


My work makes clear the Hindu belief that God or Brahman is the single divine force behind and beyond everything.  Brahman is fathomless. Brahman precedes the creation and survives the destruction of worlds and universes. The trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are humanized aspects of the One God who creates, who preserves and who destroys the world we know.


Hindus know that, while there is no end to Gods names and forms, God is only One.


The Lord said:

“Look! I am in hundreds of thousands

of different forms, and colors and shapes.

Arjun, see in my body, the whole world

and anything else you want to see.”

(Gita 11:5, 7)