Debate and Aftermath



The first presidential debate was more than strange. It seemed surreal. Those of us who have watched prior political debates were shocked. New viewers were probably far more entertained than they expected. I think it is difficult to consider this a good thing because much of the entertainment came at the expense of dignity. And the titillating drama continues.

On the other hand, the 2016 contest is engaging a good chunk of the world and provoking more of us into following the goings on and into thinking and feeling about them. We Americans are compelled to consider who we want to be as a nation and as a member of the world community. We are looking at our media and considering its importance and its interaction with social communication. We are considering the difference between generalization and individualization. We are both embarrassed and proud. We appreciate the importance of our personal participation national and international movements and we are evaluating our values.

This is the good part. Awaiting the outcome is the scary part.