

In Hindu philosophy, goodness, truth, and God are one. God is absolute goodness and eternal truth. The Absolute Soul that is God illuminates the soul of all beings. However, human goodness is a material human trait.

The human traits of goodness and evil both pertain to the body, not to the spirit. In Hindu thought, the mind is part of the body. It is the energy that powers out intellect, our judgment, and our ego, but it is temporal and it is shed when the soul is released from the bondage of repeated reincarnations.

The body and mind are matter whereas the soul is spirit.  A particular life comes into being when the spirit and the body join together and it ends when the soul and the body separate at death.

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Soul and Spirit


Some believers in the existence of the soul merge the idea of soul and spirit. Others maintain that soul and spirit are distinct, or that the soul is subsumed in spirit. Then the question arises as to whether the soul or spirit is separate from God, if in fact God exists.

The view that soul, spirit and God are one is monistic whereas as the view that they are distinct is dualistic. I think that whatever we think or believe, if we do, it is more important to consider these questions than to answer them.

Commentaries on the Soul



The soul is defined and denied in many ways. It is defined as spirit. It is explained as the immaterial essence of a being or as the core or character of a thing. It is denied as non existent because it cannot be measured or seen or because it only survives as long as the body it inhabits survives.

Believers think the soul is eternal. Some believe it is reincarnated time and time again until it becomes part of an absolute called God. Others think a soul can inhabit an atom. Many believe the soul can be saved or damned. Skeptics think it is an erroneous concept held by mankind.

Perhaps the soul is more than all it is alleged to be. Perhaps it is less. If it more, than it can arise in anything that exists, living or not. If it is less, than perhaps it is the greatness of nothing.