

Lately, term globalism crops up frequently to suggest the notion that the world’s divergent peoples or their ideas or influence are nearer to each other than they used to be. The supporting basis for this notion seems to be that the speed of travel and communication has resulted in a more global world view.

I doubt this is true. People have traveled, exchanged goods, conquered, revolted, feared foreigners, embraced strangers, preached and disbelieved for millennia.

As our societies live on, it seems that nothing has changed other than that more of everything overwhelms us: more wealth, more poverty, more information, more disinformation more crowding, more isolation, more choices, more confusion, more misery, more understanding, more anger: just more.

More all over the globe is not globalism. But what is it?

See New New York, 3000 Years Later which expands the notion of globalism to encompass other worlds.